Environmental management
- The Quito Airport received in 2019 the Neutrality Accreditation Certificate in the Carbon Footprint Program granted by the International Airports Council. We renewed this certification for three consecutive years, allowing the airport to maintain neutrality.
- The carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by any human activity.
Relevant data:
- 5,534 tons of CO2 were measured at the airport in the first year of quantification in 2014.
- Since the beginning of operations, the airport has had a policy to reduce NOx (nitrogen oxides and other greenhouse gases).
- Currently, more than 50% of emissions have been reduced compared to the first year of quantification.
Curious facts:
- Quito Airport was the first international airport in Latin America and the Caribbean to receive Neutrality certification under the Airport Carbon Accreditation Program.
- Corporación Quiport as operator and concessionaire of the airport received the Level 1 distinctive – “Quantification of the Ecuador Carbon Zero Program (PECC)”, led by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition.
- The operation of the airport has not influenced the air quality in the area.
- In the public areas of the passenger terminal and airport platforms, 100% of the luminaires have been replaced by LED lights.
Quiport decarbonization strategy:
- (2015) The first measurement of the Carbon Footprint of the year 2014 is carried out and the Level 1 “Mapping” certification is obtained.
- (2016) Application for the renewal of the Level 1 “Mapping” certification shows a reduction of 16% of the Carbon Footprint compared to 2015.
- (2017) A higher level of certification is reached: Level 2 “Reduction”.
- (2018) A higher level of certification is reached: Level 3 “Optimization”.
- (2019) The maximum level of certification is reached: Level 3 + “Neutrality”.
- (2021) The Carbon Footprint for 2019 is measured and the application for certification renewal is made: Level 3 + “Neutrality”.
- (2022) The Neutrality certification is renewed with the quantification and compensation of the 2021 footprint.
- (2023) The Neutrality certification and the review of the Level 4 “Transformation” accreditation are in the process of being renewed with the quantification and compensation of the 2022 footprint.
- (2030) Reduction objective of 50% of emissions compared to the measurement of the base year.