22 Mar 2020


Operations at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito remain open, with the restrictions established by the Government of Ecuador and the Municipality of Quito to stop the spread of Covid-19. Humanitarian flights to repatriate foreigners from Ecuador to Europe are being carried out normally from the Quito airport.

Corporación Quiport, the company in charge of the operation and management of the Quito International Airport, are working at the highest level with the Ministry of Government, the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, the Ministry of Health, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation, the Municipality of Quito and the Metropolitan Public Company of Airport Services to guarantee the operation of humanitarian flights and that the measures applied at the Quito airport comply with international regulations.

Operations at Quito airport are carried out in compliance with governmental and municipal regulations, framed in international regulations:

  • The arrival of international passengers, whether foreign or Ecuadorian, is suspended.
  • International departure flights are authorized. Some airlines are making international departure flights from Ecuador for which they bring empty planes – a ferry operation – which will then depart with their passengers from the Quito airport.
  • Domestic flights are suspended throughout the country. The General Directorate of Civil Aviation, in coordination with the Municipality of Quito, may, in an exceptional manner, authorize national flights for justified situations.
  • International cargo flights are authorized.
  • Military or air ambulance flights are authorized.
  • The application of these measures is valid until April 5.

Corporación Quiport has been carrying out a disinfection process of the entire passenger terminal, that is, national and international arrivals and departures areas, as well as public halls. For this effect, we are using a broad spectrum virucidal that allows immediate disinfection.

We recommend foreign citizens who wish to leave the country by air to consult with the airlines that operate in the city about the travel options they offer, or to contact the embassies of their countries, who can guide and provide support.

Andrew O’Brian
President and CEO