10 Oct 2017


  • Arrayanes Country Club in Quito was the venue of the 2017 Quiport Cup, a tournament organized by the Ecuadorian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, sponsored by Corporación Quiport, which sought to promote practice of this sport in the country and strengthen cooperation between Ecuador and Canada.

Quito, October 10, 2017. Approximately 93 golfers were a part of the 2017 Quiport Golf Tournament Cup that took place last Friday, October 6, at Arrayanes Country Club. Andrew O’Brian, President and CEO of Corporación Quiport, along with Allan Padilla, Director of Operations of this same company led the first category leaderboard. Meanwhile, Victor Herrera and Andrés Proaño prevailed in the second category. Among the women, Marisol Grisales and Belén Reyes took first place.

For Andrew O’Brian, CEO of Quiport—the entity that supported the tournament’s organization— this activity promotes friendship and reciprocity between both countries. The executive explained that, in addition to developing physical and intellectual abilities, the purpose of the Quiport Cup, given its social nature, was to promote the practice of a sport that focuses on reinforcing cooperation ties.

The day ended at 2:00 p.m. with lunch at the club’s restaurant, at which the winners of each category received a prize and participants were granted acknowledgments. National golf personalities such as Carla León, Enrique Rueda, and Jorge Real were present at the event. Furthermore, Canadian ambassador, Marinick Tremblay, Canadian entrepreneurs, and diplomatic officers attended the tournament.