22 February 2024

Quiport shares good sustainable practices in the Responsible Tourism Forum

On Thursday, February 22nd, Ramón Miró, President and CEO of Quiport, participated as a panelist in the 1st Responsible Tourism Forum, organized by the British Ecuadorian Chamber (BRITCHAM UIO) in Qutio. The event brought together national and international experts in the tourism sector to address crucial issues about the sustainable development of the sector. Quiport was part of the “Good Practices and Challenges Panel […]

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14 February 2024

2024 Valentine’s season ends with a record thanks to the growth of exports

• With 26,466 tons, a growth of 17.3% was registered compared to 2023 Valentine’s Day, the highest since 2013. • With 1,942 tons of cargo exported, Friday, February 2nd, was the day of the season with the highest volume.  • The expansion of the export cargo terminal was key to enhancing operational efficiency. 2024 Valentine’s flower export season ended […]

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19 January 2024

A busy cargo season begins for Valentine’s Day at the Quito airport

• Valentine’s Day is the highest cargo season at the Quito airport. • The maneuvering area in the cargo apron as well as the palletizing area for cargo processing iwere expanded to provide a more efficient service. • 92% of cargo transported from Quito airport is flowers. Today the Valentine’s Day cargo season begins at the Quito airport, which will last […]

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9 January 2024

Security measures adopted at the Quito International Airport

The Quito International Airport informs citizens about the measures that have been defined to protect the safety of passengers, users, airport personnel, facilities and air operations, in coordination with the National Government, the General Directorate of Civil Aviation and the Municipality of Quito. Airport operations remain open and the measures are as follows: • Only […]

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5 January 2024

Choice Cargo inaugurates MSC airline operations with charter flights at Quito airport

The firm Choice Cargo, General Sales Agent, commercial representative of the cargo airline Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), a world leader in cargo transportation, announced the start of operations at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito with the arrival of the first aircraft of the company. The company has established two weekly flights on Wednesdays […]

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1 January 2024

2023 marked the definitive recovery of aeronautical activity at the Quito airport

The Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito closed 2023 with figures and amanagement level that evidence the recovery of air transport service, after three years in which, Quiport and the entire airport community, worked to overcome the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic that began in 2020 which represented the largest crisis in the history of air transport on a global scale. Passenger […]

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21 December 2023

Quito Airport, pioneer in the automation of airport processes that improve the passenger experience

The Mariscal Sucre International Airport becomes the first airport in Ecuador to implement automated solutions in airport processes. The project incorporates biometric systems for immigration control in international arrivals and boarding on Delta airline flights to the United States. It also includes automatic doors for access to security filters. This initiative is part of a technological transformation project […]

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1 December 2023

Great news for little travelers! Quito Airport reopens the children’s area.

The children’s area, located next to domestic pre-boarding area at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport passenger terminal, reopens its doors for the litter travelers, now with a renewed image after its closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Aware of the importance to provide a safe and fun space for children, CorporaciónQuiport, the company in charge of managing the Quito airport, has decided to renew this area. The new […]

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1 December 2023

Faunaetus celebrates 10 years managingresponsibly wildlife at the Quito airport

We celebrate a decade of extraordinary contributions by Faunaetus in wildlife management at the Quito airport, as well as in the harmonious coexistence between the airport operation and wildlife. We remember the arrival of Faunaetus in 2013, when the operation of the new Quito International airport began and the need to work responsibly with the surrounding fauna. We came from an […]

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