12 Jan 2018


The Mariscal Sucre International Airport Firefighters won the first place in a competition organized by Airline Network News and Analysis (anna.aero) that honors the best water arch salute during an arriving or departing inaugural flight.

The arch that obtained this recognition took place on January 2, 2018, to honor Air Europa’s inaugural flight to Quito.

This tradition takes place at airports throughout the world in special occasions – such as upon commencing new operations – to wish good fortune to the airplane and airline.

In order to participate in the competition, the perfection of the water arch created by the airport firetrucks has been taken into consideration.

Such recognition demonstrates the perfect work and coordination of the Quito International Airport firemen who surprised the competition by taking care of each detail for it to so successfully be completed and, of course, without neglecting the protection of airport operations at the Ecuadorian capital city.