24 Jun 2024

268 bags of garbage were collected by volunteers from the Quito airport during a cleaning day in the Ponce Paluguillo moor.

• The Ponce Paluguillo Water Protection Area is one of the sources that supplies water to the northeast of Quito.

• In 2023, Quiport signed an agreement with FONAG and allocated US$ 42,000 for the execution of conservation actions for water sources in the moors that supply Quito.

• The cleaning day is part of Quiport’s commitments to replenish the water footprint of the Quito airport.

• Quito airport is the first airport in the country to replenish its water footprint.

As part of the commitments derived from the agreement to replace the water footprint of the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito, on Friday, June 21, 2024, 25 volunteers from Quiport, the concessionaire of the Quito airport, together with representatives of six companies from the airport community, participated in a volunteer day. This activity, organized jointly by the Water Protection Fund (FONAG) and Quiport, focused on cleaning the wasteland of the Ponce Paluguillo Water Protection Area, one of the main sources that supplies water to the northeast of Quito and, therefore, Of course, to the Quito airport.

In a joint effort to protect and preserve this vital ecosystem, the volunteers enthusiastically dedicated themselves to the cleaning task, managing to intervene and clean approximately the edges of 10 km of the Pifo – Papallacta road in the moor area, removing a total of 268 garbage bags. This action not only reinforces the environmental commitment of Quiport and the companies that operate at Quito airport, but also contributes significantly to the well-being and sustainability of an essential water resource for the city.

In 2023, Quiport demonstrated its firm commitment to the conservation of the paramo by grantingUS$42,000 to FONAG. These funds are intended for the care and maintenance of the moor located in the Ponce Paluguillo Water Protection Area, thus ensuring its good condition and functionality as a water source for the northeastern parishes of Quito. It should be noted that Quito’s Mariscal Sucre International Airport is the first in the country to replenish its water footprint, marking an important milestone in the sustainable management of natural resources.

Ramón Miró, president and CEO of Quiport, said: “We are very proud to be the first airport in Ecuador to take concrete measures to replenish our water footprint. This volunteer day in the Ponce Paluguillo Water Protection Area is an example of the commitment we have to sustainability and the conservation of natural resources that are vital for our community and for the proper functioning of the airport. The voluntary participation of our collaborators and business partners in these initiatives is essential to achieve our environmental objectives.”

The volunteers expressed their satisfaction and pride in participating in this activity, highlighting the importance of actively contributing to the protection of the environment and the sustainability of Quito’s natural resources.

27 Mar 2024

Roland opens its doors at Quito airport

Two Roland commercial islands located in the domestic and international commercial corridor of the Quito airport were inaugurated today with a special event. These new spaces will offer passengers a range of products ranging from pajamas and underwear to t-shirts, stuffed animals and accessories, aimed at men, women, boys and girls.

The opening ceremony was attended by authorities from Roland, Metropolitan Public Company of Airport Services and Corporación Quiport.

Ramón Miró, president and CEO of Quiport, shared his enthusiasm regarding this new addition: «The airport is not just a place of transit, it is a window to the world, a meeting point of cultures, ideas and people. And it is at this neuralgic point where Roland wants to be present to accompany our travelers every step of their journey. Whether they are setting off on an exciting adventure or returning home with stories to tell, we know that at Roland they will not only find garments of the highest quality, but also a reflection of the Ecuadorian identity and spirit.”

For his part, Munir Abedrabo, executive president of Mabel Group Holding, representative of Roland, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to expand its presence to such a strategic location.

With this opening, Quito airport passengers now have the opportunity topurchase quality products while waiting for their flight or making last-minute purchases.

18 Mar 2024

Temporary suspension of operations at the Quito airport due to preventive maintenance work on the runway

Corporación Quiport, concessionaire of the Quito International Airport, informs about the temporary suspension of air operations at the Mariscal Sucre airport due to preventive maintenance work on the runway.

The maintenance work, which will cover around 70,275 m2 on the runway, ensures efficiency and safeguards safety in air operations, as well as avoiding unexpectedclosures due to emergency corrective work.

The suspension of operations will take place on the following days and times:

– May 11 and 18, June 1, July 6, 13 and 20, September 7, 14 and 21 from 2:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

– June 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 2:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The aerodrome closures have been coordinated and authorized by the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC). The airlines that operate at the Quito airport have already been informed of this need by Quiport and the DGAC through the respective NOTAM.

Airlines’ itinerary changes, rescheduling or flight cancellations will be informedopportunely, but we invite passengers who have scheduled flights on those dates and times to contact their airlines to receive updated information. You can find the phone numbers at: https://www.aeropuertoquito.aero/aerolineas/

Quiport will also carry out maintenance work on taxiways A and B, which will not affect air operations, but which, together with the work on the runway, are necessary to keep the airport facilities in optimal condition.

01 Mar 2024

Quito Mariscal Sucre International Airport: excellence in punctuality

In the vertiginous world of aviation, punctuality represents a crucial distinctive. The delay of one flight can trigger a series of delays on several additional flights, which in many cases implies costs for airlines, airports and, of course, passengers.

In this scenario, Quito Mariscal Sucre International Airport wins the title of “Most On-TimeAirport” in the small airport category, according to the ‘2023 On-Time Performance Review’, by Cirium, the source of aviation analysis , which celebrates the operational excellence of the world’s airports and airlines.

Operational efficiency in figures: 90.29% departures.

The outstanding position of Quito airport is translated into concrete numbers: 90.29% of flights left its facilities on time. These figures reflect the airport’s dedication to optimizing every phase of the journey, from check-in to landing.

“The operation of an airport can be compared to a symphony orchestra in which all the musicians master their instruments to perfection, but an orchestra conductor is also required to set the exact times in which each group of instruments must enter and exit so that the entire orchestra executes the musical piece with mastery. Each of the companies that operate at the Mariscal Sucre airport is an expert in its work, and to this is added the extraordinary coordination carried out by our Operations team,” explained Ramón Miró, president and CEOof Corporación Quiport.

Technological innovation: biometric doors and revolutionary automation.

Excellence in punctuality is not only an achievement, but a philosophy for Quito airport. The implementation of cutting-edge technologies has been key to this success. Biometric doors and automated systems have revolutionized critical processes such as entry to security filters, international pre-boarding and immigration. These innovations not only streamline procedures, but also contribute to a safer and more efficient experience for passengers.

Evident commitment: definition of punctuality and international recognition.

The airport’s commitment is manifested in its precise definition of punctuality: a flight departure within 15 minutes of the scheduled time. These rigorous standards have placed Quito at the top of the list of the most punctual airports in the world.

Jeremy Bowen, CEO of Cirium, said: “This achievement is not just about punctuality, it is about the relentless pursuit of excellence and the incredible teamwork that is required every day… Congratulations to the entire team at Mariscal Sucre Airport for setting a global standard in aviation, their hard work, innovation and team spirit are truly inspiring and we look forward to them reaching even greater heights in the years to come.”

The results of the 2023 On-Time Performance review reveal that the winners, including Quito Airport, not only met expectations, but set new standards in operational performance and punctuality. With these credentials, Mariscal Sucre Airport embarks on 2024 with a promising reputation for operational excellence, consolidating its position as a benchmark in the global airport industry.

23 Feb 2024

Quiport celebrates the 50 million passenger milestone at Quito airport.

Today, with a special event, the 50 million passenger at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport was celebrated. The airport began its operations in the new location on February 20th, 2013.

According to estimates and statistics, within the group of passengers on the flights waiting in the international pre-boarding hall A11, the lucky one was found. Since it is impossible to determine exactly who the 50 million passenger is (hundreds of passengers enter and leave the airport simultaneously), Quiport decided to celebrate with all the passengers in the holdroomand reward them.

The celebration began with music, bugles and confetti. Curious passengers smiled at this unusual activity. As part of the surprise, the seats in that holdroom were strategically selected to hide various gifts. Passengers were invited to check under their seats, where they discoveredshopping orders to redeem at a variety of stores and services within the terminal. “I won!” was the phrase that could be heard in different parts of the place, and with laughs and surprise gestures, the winners anxiously headed to the different commercial premises.

This initiative, led by the concessionaire Quiport, provided an unforgettable experience to passengers, creating a special moment that added a unique touch to their trip.

In this regard, Ramón Miró, president and CEO of Quiport, mentioned: “We congratulate the 50 million passenger and thank all the travelers who have contributed to making Quito airport a reference point in the industry. We hope to continue sharing more milestones and successes in the future. Thank you to everyone who trusts in our airport and has consolidated it as the main entry and exit door of Ecuador!”

Currently, 17 airlines operate at Quito airport, connecting to 18 international and 8 national destinations. An average of 15,000 passengers per day and 5.4 million passengers per year are transported through the airport.

On several occasions, Mariscal Sucre has been recognized by important national and international organizations as a 5-star Airport, Best Regional Airport in South America, Best Airport Staff in South America and Airport with the most dedicated staff, Cleanest Airport in South America, Airport with the easiest trip, most pleasant airport, among others.

14 Feb 2024

2024 Valentine’s season ends with a record thanks to the growth of exports

• With 26,466 tons, a growth of 17.3% was registered compared to 2023 Valentine’s Day, the highest since 2013.

• With 1,942 tons of cargo exported, Friday, February 2nd, was the day of the season with the highest volume. 

• The expansion of the export cargo terminal was key to enhancing operational efficiency.

2024 Valentine’s flower export season ended with very positive numbers at Quito Mariscal Sucre International Airport, with a total of 26,466 metric tons of flowers sent to the world, reaching a record in the airport’s 11 years of operation.This figure corresponds to a growth of 17.3% compared to the tonnage exported in 2023, which was 22,568 metric tons.

At the Quito airport, the season began on January 18 and extended until February 9. During this season, 16 airlines operated at the Quito airport cargo with a total of 487 outbound cargo flights, a number that also constitutes a historical record for the Valentine’s season.

The peak day of exports, that is, the day in which the most freighter operations and the highest volume of flowers were registered, was Friday, February 2nd, with 1,942 metric tons sent through 31 flights, also being the day with the highest volume of exports in the entire history of Quito airport.

Throughout these 23 days, the entire logistics chain within the Mariscal Sucre airport demonstrated once again that it is prepared to manage large volumes of export cargo.

The expansion of the export cargo terminal, which grew by 2,880 square meters in the cargo entry and processing areas, as well as the growth of the maneuvering area for trucks, was one of the factors that allowed more efficient air cargo.

“I want to thank all the airlines that operated on this Valentine’s Day 2024, as well as the ramp service companies that provide all ground assistance to the operation for their commitment to the development of the country and for their great professionalism and, especially, to the companies specialized in cargo palletizing that operate at the Quito airport: Novacargo, Servipallet, Pertraly and Novasan, which invested in the expansion of the cargo terminal to offer greater logistical and operational ease,” said Ramón Miró, president and CEO of Quiport.

“The Mariscal Sucre is one of the most powerful development poles that the city and the country has. It is the main air cargo airport in Ecuador and one of the most important in Latin America, which allows Quito to have access by air to key markets around the world, that is the vision with which we are working at CorporaciónQuiport”, concluded Ramón Miró.

19 Jan 2024

A busy cargo season begins for Valentine’s Day at the Quito airport

• Valentine’s Day is the highest cargo season at the Quito airport.

• The maneuvering area in the cargo apron as well as the palletizing area for cargo processing iwere expanded to provide a more efficient service.

• 92% of cargo transported from Quito airport is flowers.

Today the Valentine’s Day cargo season begins at the Quito airport, which will last until February 11, 2024. This period represents the most important phase of cargo operations at Quito Airport. To guarantee efficient service, significant improvements to thefacilities have been made.

Starting this season, the logistics process at the airport will be significantly optimized. Thanks to a strategic investment between companies specialized in cargo palletizing that operate at the Quito airport which include Novacargo, Servipallet, Pertraly and Novasan, the maneuvering area in the cargo apron and the processing area in the palletizers have been expanded. The expansion, which has added 2,880 square meters to the facilities, will enable much more efficient and comfortable cargo reception and processing.

With an extensive and cutting-edge infrastructure, and the operation of more than 15 cargo airlines, with flights between regular and charter, this year a growth in exported tonnage is expected for the Valentine’s season compared to the previous year, thanks to the increase in capacity offered by cargo airlines at the Quito airport.

“We maintain our commitment to the development of the air cargo industry in Ecuador. The expansions carried out and the strategic collaboration with palletizing companies are testimony of our dedication to facilitate airport cargo services in Mariscal Sucre. We are excited by the projected growth and we are confident that our airport will continue to play a fundamental role in this area,” said Ramón Miró, president and CEO ofQuiport.

At the international cargo terminal, four palletizing companies work, in charge of assembling the pallets of flower boxes according to the specifications of the aircraft in which they will be transported. These pallets are stored in cold rooms until they must be shipped to their destinations. In addition, the Mariscal Sucre airport has a logistics center where several cargo agencies carry out the consolidation processes of flowers from various producing farms.

09 Jan 2024

Security measures adopted at the Quito International Airport

The Quito International Airport informs citizens about the measures

that have been defined to protect the safety of passengers, users, airport personnel, facilities

and air operations, in coordination with the National Government, the General Directorate of

Civil Aviation and the Municipality of Quito.

Airport operations remain open and the measures are as follows:

• Only passengers who carry their travel documents, that is, passport or citizenship card and

air ticket or boarding pass, will be able to access the air terminal.

• Family members or other visitors will not be allowed to enter the terminal to drop off or receive


• Crowds of people will not be allowed on the sidewalks of the passenger terminal either.

• Control and screening of passengers and luggage will be strengthened.

• Random checks will be carried out on vehicles before entering the airport.

• Passengers are requested not to leave their belongings or hand luggage unattended.

We ask citizens to collaborate with these measures and passengers are recommended to go

to the airport with more time in advance considering these additional controls. We also

recommend that passengers stay informed through official channels and confirm the status of

their flights with their airlines.

During the curfew, travelers who must travel to and from the airport can do so with their travel

documents: passport or ID and air ticket or boarding pass.

05 Jan 2024

Choice Cargo inaugurates MSC airline operations with charter flights at Quito airport

The firm Choice Cargo, General Sales Agent, commercial representative of the cargo airline Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), a world leader in cargo transportation, announced the start of operations at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito with the arrival of the first aircraft of the company. The company has established two weekly flights on Wednesdays and Fridays, operated with Boeing 777-200 aircraft with a cargo capacity of 85 tons to transport flowers especially from Quito to Miami, Liege and Amsterdam. The operation of the airline will make greater cargo transportation capacity available to exporters at a key moment such as the beginning of the Valentine’s season. Diego Íñiguez, CEO of Choice Cargo and MSC representative in Ecuador, said: “We thank MSC for allowing us to be part of this exciting journey. Together, we will offer unparalleled experiences to our customers. Today, we open a new chapter by providing innovative cargo services, connecting markets and strengthening our business relationships. “MSC will offer two flights per week, with the expectation of increasing this frequency in the near future.” Given the appreciated quality of the Ecuadorian flower in the international market, a growing need is identified to expand flight capacity, thus contributing to the development of exports.

In his intervention, Allan Padilla, Chief Operating Officer of Corporación Quiport, highlighted the constant rise of air cargo operations at the Quito International Airport. “With a record of 340 thousand metric tons transported in 2023, the airport is positioned as the main air cargo transport port in the country and occupies a prominent role in Latin America due to its annual cargo volume. “MSC Air Cargo’s initiative will provide exporters with additional cargo transport capacity, especially crucial at the start of the Valentine’s season.” In addition, he reiterated Quiport’s willingness to collaborate closely for the benefit of the productive sectors and the development of the city’s connectivity. The new operation will serve to increase the supply of capacity for the export of flowers and other products.

01 Dec 2023

Great news for little travelers! Quito Airport reopens the children’s area.

The children’s area, located next to domestic pre-boarding area at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport passenger terminal, reopens its doors for the litter travelers, now with a renewed image after its closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Aware of the importance to provide a safe and fun space for children, CorporaciónQuiport, the company in charge of managing the Quito airport, has decided to renew this area. The new design aims to create a magical and educational environment, inspired by the biodiversity and nature of Ecuador, without neglecting the security that this type of spaces must always maintain.

The children’s area has been carefully designed to offer little travelers the opportunity to explore and connect in a playful and sensory way with the natural environment. Various elements and textures that stimulate touch have been incorporated, imagination and learning. In addition, pieces-counting games that promote the development of mathematical skills have been installed, as well as climbing structures, tunnels and slides to encourage physical activity, contributing to the comprehensive development of children.

One of the novelties in this design is the inclusion of a small quiet space with dim lighting, designed especially for those children who prefer to enjoy a more relaxed and independent environment. It is a hut with comfortable seats, a space that offers moments of tranquility and rest within the play area.

The reopening and remodeling of this area for children demonstrates Quiport’scommitment to provide a complete and satisfactory travel experience for all passengers, including the little ones. Now, children will be able to enjoy a safe, fun and educational space while waiting for their flight, creating unforgettable memories from the beginning of their trip.